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Be Very Careful of the Words You Use

Something to ponder:
Be very careful of the words you use; words are easy

One of two ways to externalise our internal world, our words hold significant importance to our relationship with ourselves and how we connect and impact others we interact with. The problem for us all is, the human is innately lazy and (our minds) in an attempt to save energy, creates and operates from a database of scripts (where it can), which may or may not fit the situation they have been automatically employed into. This might make things easier for the mind, but it can have deeply detrimental effects on the spirit as we disconnect further and further from our authentic self through continued misalignment. 

  Recommended:   Create pain around the use of words that don’t connect with your beliefs, values and thoughts and how this pushes you further away from operating out of a place of authenticity. Use this pain to take greater responsibility for what comes out of your mouth.

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Something to practise:
Energy Surveillance

Learn to pay attention to shifts in your energy in relation to the words you use. Note; there might be a lag between when you identify a change of energy and when what occurred to make that happen. Scan backwards in your most recent interactions until you find a moment or sentence in a conversation (or lack of a reaction) that feels like it could be the reason for your energy shift. On the Notes App on your phone, start to correlate a list. This will act as a database of valuable personal information, while simultaneously bringing a greater focus on the practice. This increased focus will lead to functioning through a deeper layer of awareness to your vibrating energy, while the list of precise moments or words that didn’t serve you authentically gives you valuable information to hold yourself to a higher standard from and concentrate on eliminating from your speech. 

  Remember:   This practice works for positive shifts in energy too. 

Something to pose:
How am I perceiving the information elicited by challenge?
This is a very important question to keep at the front of your mind. I say this because perception, one of our nervous system’s six functions, plays a prominent role in forming our beliefs and we function consciously and subconsciously out of a web of paradigms that make up our belief system.
What we must hold an awareness of, particularly for those learning the mental and emotional skills to push themselves is; when we are genuinely challenged we will experience disturbing mental states, and we can perceive these states, through “1st level thinking” (our innate reaction to the stress response) as shocking and for a nano second or two we can feel real weakness. These feelings can be seriously confronting (nobody wants to feel weak) however we must endeavour to reset our mind in those moments, step up to higher mental ground, out of the panic and remember to tell ourselves “it is just information” and not to let heavy emotions hijack an amazing opportunity to connect with a high plane of thinking in such extremes.

'As long as you live, keep learning how to live'

~ Seneca

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