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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.

Something to ponder:
Excuses are a protective mechanism, your mind’s way of avoiding risk or discomfort.
When we strip away excuses, what remains is the truth about our current situation, our capabilities and the choices we have in front of us. Excuses often act as mental barriers, protecting us from discomfort, fear of failure, or the effort required to grow. They allow us to rationalize inaction or mediocrity.
Once those excuses are gone, you’re left with a raw, honest view of:


– where you actually stand; your strengths, weaknesses and habits.


– the path forward becomes clear. It may be daunting, but you can now see the specific actions required to move beyond your current limitations.


In essence, excuses keep us trapped in the same place by giving us a reason not to act. When we remove them, we are forced to confront the reality of our potential and the gap between where we are and where you want to be. That confrontation is what creates a ‘raw opportunity’ to grow. It pushes us to take responsibility for our progress and gives us the chance to act decisively, rather than staying stuck in a cycle of avoidance.
Something to practise:
The Mental Excuse Journal

Spend a day keeping a “mental excuse journal.” Each time you catch yourself making an excuse, jot it down. At the end of the day, review the list and ask yourself: Which of these excuses are simply my mind trying to avoid discomfort? Choose one to consciously reject the next day.


  Pro Tip:   Pay attention to key moments. Excuses often arise in predictable situations. Be mindful of when your brain starts crafting reasons to avoid discomfort. Some common areas to be hyper aware around:


Physical challenges: Avoiding training sessions, healthy eating or getting up early.
Work tasks: Procrastinating on difficult or mundane tasks.
Personal growth: Delaying conversations, learning something new or pursuing a goal.
Something to pose:
"What story do I keep telling myself to justify not taking action, and what would my life look like in a year if I stopped listening to it?

A great way to get past inaction is to ask ourselves pain or pleasure inducing questions. Stuck in a rut? Ask yourself; what will my life look like in 5 years if I do not change (insert self destructive) behaviour? Get a clear visual of something meaningful you want to do with your life in the next 5 years, then insert your current behaviour into that vision and the deep pain it is generating.


  Remember:   The quality of the questions we ask ourselves, plays a fundamental role in the quality of our lives.

'As long as you live, keep learning how to live'

~ Seneca

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