These specific moments of physical stress hold extraordinary opportunity for personal evolution. This is much bigger than your physical performance, although that is an empowering reward. It is here, in this lived moment of stress, doubt, weakness that we can re-engineer the hardware of our brain, through the software of experience. We do this by learning to control the moment, despite the debilitating physical effects we are experiencing, using a two step process of awareness and concentration.
The extraordinary opportunity for all of us to profit from, in these moments, is a choice, albeit a partly hidden one. The destabilised and disturbed properties of our mental state can veil this choice to us, but it is always there. That choice is in how we choose to respond to the stimulus we are experiencing. Austrian holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl discovered in the most abominable circumstances imaginable ‘between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose’.
Remember: When you find yourself in a stressed state, your breathing will be through your mouth. This is making things harder for us mentally, so we need to change to a nasal inhale and soon after a nasal exhale. Don’t fret if you find it hard to keep inhaling through your nose when you first try it, the opportunity will be there again very soon to lock that nasal inhale pattern in for good.
'As long as you live, keep learning how to live'
~ Seneca