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FREE DOWNLOAD : Pre-Event Mental Preparation Training

SISU | \ si – sue \

SISU is a Finnish philosophy for how to live life. The concept of SISU has no direct translation but it is generally understood to mean an extraordinary determination, courage and resoluteness in the face of extreme adversity. It is an indomitable spirit, a stoic strength, a tenacity of purpose, bravery, grit and resilience, all while embodying the highest moral virtues of honour and integrity.

SISU 4 Program: July 21st – November 2nd, 2025

SISU: Realise your Extraordinary Potential

The SISU Program is a life-enhancing 15-week journey designed to unlock your extraordinary potential and train you to push yourself to levels you never thought possible. Culminating in the renowned SISU Crucible, this program is more than a challenge—it is a transformative experience of strength, discipline and self-discovery.


The SISU Crucible: The Ultimate Test of Mind, Body, and Spirit

The SISU Crucible is a non-stop, 12-hour extreme physical and mental challenge where participants undergo one of the most demanding experiences on the planet. It is the ultimate culmination of the 15-week SISU Program, where everything you’ve learned is put to the test.

Taking place amidst the rugged, wild terrain of North Connemara and the Ironmind Institute’s training base on the shores of Killary Fjord, our team of expert Crucible coaches will guide you through this transformative experience. Using powerful mental strength models developed by Damian Browne and the revolutionary ‘Crucible Loop’ training process, participants will learn to master their minds under intense pressure and persevere to achieve the extraordinary.

The SISU Crucible is designed to deliver an experience of pure substance and unparalleled physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connection where participants will meet their true self for the first time.

In completing a
SISU Program you will have...

Self Control

Built true inner strength having learned how to control your mind while experiencing moments of genuine weakness, doubt and internal chaos using our revolutionary 4 Controllables Method.

Self Awareness

Improved your ability to recognise & flag mental states that destroy physical performance, manipulate mental control and destabilise self- confidence, self-esteem and self-respect.

Self Belief

Deepened your self-belief (one of the most difficult human characteristics to truly grow) through paradigm shifting experiences of learning to control your body and mind in states of extreme doubt.

Self Realisation

Began your journey to realise your extraordinary human potential by destroying limiting beliefs you held about yourself & your life, through the immense power of your mind.

Made A Difference

You will have also made an impactful difference in the life of another through The Ironmind Meitheal fund which allows financially challenged 17 to 19 year olds the opportunity to partake in an Ironmind Crucible experience.

‘Mastering others is strength.

Mastering yourself is true power.’

~ Lao Tzu

Uncommon Work,
By Uncommon People,
For Uncommon Legacies

Join These Ironminds in Achieving the Extraordinary

“To get to the finish line yesterday, when it was completely done, was just an amazing sense of satisfaction. Even going to bed last night, I was like “this is brilliant”.

Philip CampbellSales Manager
SISU Athlete No.3

“Delighted I got through it. It was definitely the most intense physical and mental, psychological day of my life.”

Paraic WhyteCompany Director
SISU Athlete No.1

“”It was life changing in many ways. I would never have comprehended the amount of work we did during the Crucible was actually possible. ”

Eoin Fleming – Company President
SISU Athlete No.4

Break Through Mental Barriers
and Embrace Inner Strength

Inside every person lies a reservoir of untapped strength—a resilience shaped by life’s challenges and the assured resolve to rise again. The Finnish call this unshakable determination SISU: the grit to endure when the odds are against you, the courage to move forward with integrity, and the strength to embrace struggle as an opportunity to grow.

Our SISU Program is your guide to uncovering this inner force and breaking free from the doubts, fears, and insecurities that have held you back. These challenges don’t define you; your ability to overcome them does.

Through this life-enhancing 15 week program, you will:

  • Harness Your Inner Strength to rise above obstacles and move forward with integrity.
  • Destroy Limiting Beliefs and rewrite the story of what’s possible for you.
  • Develop Unshakable Discipline to face challenges with focus and determination.
  • Connect With Who You Are Meant to Become and what you are truly capable of. 

This isn’t just a program; it’s a journey to unveil your potential, embrace life’s challenges, and emerge stronger, more trusting, and more connected to your true self.

Tap into the SISU within you and transform adversity into your greatest strength

Are you ready for SISU? Take the program readiness assessment to see where you stand

SISU Training Program: 103 Days to do the Remarkable

What Makes Ironmind Training so Unique?

At the Ironmind Institute, we redefine physical training by integrating mental, emotional, and physical development into a single, transformative journey. The SISU Program combines classic strength and conditioning principles with our groundbreaking 4 Controllables Method that strengthen the human spirit and cultivate resilience.

  • Physical Excellence: Proven strength and conditioning training designed to push your limits.

  • Inner Strength Work: Unique mental and emotional training methodologies to build resilience and fortitude.

  • Comprehensive Support: Remote access via our app, group communication on WhatsApp, and a community to keep you motivated.

This holistic approach ensures you walk away with a life-changing experience that serves you long after the program ends.

Hear what our SISU athlete’s had to say about their 15 week preparation program

“Week by week, the further you went on, the more you learned about yourself, the more you learned about your thoughts, and then furthermore, you learn how to push through.”

Éanna Ryan – General Manager
SISU Athlete No.9

“The main visualization process is what I like to use before I do the training. I find it’s the one that really helps you the most and then having your mental reset ready when you hit the wall.”

Brian Kelly – Senior Executive
SISU Athlete No.7

In some of the training, you have a lot of negativity but with all the training on the mental side, you get through that, and when you finish the workout you realize –  this is pretty powerful stuff.”

Eoin Fleming – Company President
SISU Athlete No.4

The Crucible Loop

A belief we hold at The Ironmind Institute is ‘the work is everything & everything is the work”. This simply means; the work (the physical action we have committed our attention and intention to) holds everything we need and want in life. Therefore based on this belief and knowledge we have designed a training process to get the most out of and maximise the considerable time, effort and energy committed by our athletes. We call it The Crucible Loop.

Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.

– Zen Buddhist Kōan

Elements of The Crucible Loop

1. Pre-Prepare Your Awareness

Within this time period we introduce the mental model, method or process we will be specifically focusing on employing during this loop; these will include our Parameters of Adherence protocols, Rehearsal Visualisation techniques, Mental Anchor preparation, alongside applicable physical and behavioural standards.

2. Ready To Train

Athletes to be guided through our aligned 4 part ‘Ready to Train’ process of Mobilise – Move – Activate – Prime by our Crucible coaching team to ensure all athletes are prepared to physically maximise the opportunity soon to be presented to them by the stimulus of the work.

3. The Work

The most important section of each Loop; The Work is where all The Ironmind Institute’s training methodologies, process structures and the enlightening reality of extreme physical challenge come together creating the unique forging experience of The Ironmind Crucible.

4. Future Prep | Reflect | Refue

Broken into 3 segments of, 1. A physical compensation practice with a focus on the demands of the following Loop (coach led) 2. A journaling practice of reflection based upon The Ironmind Institute’s ‘What Comes Up’ process (guided) 3. Time to refuel, recharge and hydrate before the next Loop begins.

‘’A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials’’


3 Strikes and You Are Out

Each Crucible athlete will have their own individual targets throughout the various Loops of their SISU experience that they must attain. These targets are relative only to that athlete and will be measured off their training program metrics. These targets are fundamental to creating the state we need all our athletes to experience, to therefore build the neural association between the action (mental strength method) and reward (the feeling of overcoming destabilising states of negativity).

Alongside these individual targets, it is expected that you can attain the SISU Crucible prerequisites (minimum standards) if/when tested during the experience. If an athlete does not attain their respective individual target or prerequisites they will receive a strike through a box on the back of their t-shirt. If an athlete obtains three strikes over the course of a Crucible, they will have failed the experience and will be immediately excluded from continuing.

The Full SISU Program Package

What You Receive

Your commitment to The Ironmind Institute’s SISU Crucibles gets you the highest standards and quality of;

SISU Training Programme

SISU Training Programme

Each SISU athlete will receive an Ironmind Crucible training program to prepare them for their Crucible experience. The programs range in durations of 17, 15, 13 and 10 weeks and are designed to prepare the athlete to the highest possible physical & mental capacities to take on the demands of their SISU Crucible. The length of program an athlete receives is dependent on when they sign up to his or her Ironmind Crucible experience.

SISU Web 'Check In' Series

SISU Web 'Check In' Series

Our group check-ins are facilitated online get-togethers for your Crucible group where you will be able to connect with your fellow Crucible athletes to learn about their training experiences, share your own training experience and ask questions of the group facilitator around your pre-Crucible training programme.

Mental Preparation Program

Mental Preparation Program

Aligning with our pre-SISU training program, each athlete will receive a mental preparation program designed and prepared by Damian Browne focusing on emotional robustness for SISU.

Athlete’s Communications Hub

Athlete’s Communications Hub

Membership of private SISU Crucible Community and SISU Pioneer Crucible Group on WhatsApp for peer to peer athlete support, motivation and direct communication with Ironmind coaches.

SISU Crucible

SISU Crucible

The bespoke Damian Browne designed and coached 12 Hour SISU resilience building, extreme physical endeavour, multi discipline training experience using the very best in training equipment.

Award Winning Nutrition

Award Winning Nutrition

The award winning Misunderstood Heron team create all meals throughout the course of your Crucible experience, keeping our athletes fuelled to the highest standard, quality and taste to achieve something extraordinary.

First-Rate Accommodation

First-Rate Accommodation

2 night accommodation in the magnificent Killary Lodge. Set in the raw and rugged beauty of North Connemara, the rustic yet elegant lodge is the perfect mix of isolation, class and …. for our Crucibles.

Photography & Videography

Photography & Videography

Within 48 hours of completing SISU Crucible athletes receive their personally focused ‘in action’ images taken by our professional photographer. Within 3 weeks of completing athletes receive a group focused video of their Crucible experience.

Crucible Gear

Crucible Gear

Athletes will receive a carefully procured Ironmind day rucksack including essential items to complete your crucible - training t-shirts, journalling diary and other essential items.

Are you ready for SISU? Take the program readiness assessment to see where you stand



You will be billeted in luxury accommodation for 2 nights at the magnificent Killary Lodge, Killary Fjord, North Connemara. This is a rugged, harrowing, hard, unforgiving, beautiful and deeply moving place that resonates deeply with us and in our experience, is the perfect place to build mental strength and resilience, and to forge greatness.



All wholesome, nutritious & specially prepared meals are by the wonderful team at the Misunderstood Heron, you will have dinner every evening (x 2) that you’re with us, breakfast on every morning (x 2), lunch every day (x1) & you will also get a specially prepared fuel bag full of quality nutritious snacks that will keep you fuelled as you complete SISU.



The gym and studio spaces at our base in Killary Lodge will be fitted out and equipped with the very best equipment including ROGUE rigs, barbells, dumbbells, bumpers, plates & stations, alongside Concept 2 RowERGs and BikeERGs. Our training spaces have been specially designed to ensure optimum performance using our BODY FIRST mental methods.

IronMind Crucible Coaches

Damian Browne

Fitness Coach

Damian Browne is the co-founder of The Ironmind Institute and Head Coach of The Ironmind Crucibles. A peak performance athlete, extreme adventurer and former professional rugby player, Damian can truly claim an Ironmind having achieved extraordinary feats of human performance across a broad range of disciplines and pursuits. Damian will guide you through your Crucible using his revolutionary psychological strength models, methods and tools he has created and developed.

Johnny O’Connor

Fitness Coach

Johnny O’Connor is the Ironmind Institute’s Head of Performance and a powerhouse in extreme physical training. From international rugby to elite football clubs, he’s a strength and conditioning authority, optimising athletes’ performance. With a legacy in rugby, Arsenal, Galway United, and Connacht Rugby, he’s now shaping Galway hurlers, a testament to his passion and expertise in the pursuit of excellence in physical training.

Frequently Ask Questions

Anyone 21 years of age or older can partake in a SISU Crucible.
The first series of SISU Crucibles takes place in early 2024 & 2nd series takes place in November 2024.
  • 2 night accommodation at Killary Lodge.
  • All meals (2 x evening dinner, 1 x lunch, 2 x breakfasts) catered to you by the award winning Misunderstood Heron team.
  • The Ironmind Crucible rucksack with all the requisite training gear for your crucible experience.
  • Your comprehensive 103 day Ironmind SISU Crucible training program designed to prepare the athletes to the best possible physical and mental state to take on the Crucible challenge.
  • Intra training program online workshops (3) and individual Crucible group communication with Damian and his coaching team.
  • Unparalleled access to unique training methods, coaching and guidance from Damian Browne and his team of world class coaches.
  • Personalised ‘in action’ professional photography & videography digital content for online use
  • The Ironmind Crucible completion package.
The experience is strictly limited to 20 people.
All medical conditions, concerns and injuries must be disclosed on the health assessment form.
Heart conditions are a disqualifier for participating in any crucible.
Each athlete will receive the Ironmind Crucible training program to prepare them for their Crucible experience. The SISU training program, coached by Damian, is a periodised, 103 day program (including your taper) designed to prepare the athlete to the best possible physical and mental state to take on the demands of a SISU Crucible.
No. Preparation is crucial to success in any endeavour and our intention with our training programs is to set (those who are courageous enough to commit to taking on a Crucible) up to get the maximum out of the extraordinary experience. We are not interested in seeing you fail because you haven’t prepared yourself to the standards we know you must.
You can transfer your registration to a future Crucible. Crucible registrations are non-refundable.
No. The Crucible prerequisites may be tested during your Crucible. You should view these as a guide to the minimum physical standards applicable to you being in a state of general physical preparedness to endure the SISU Crucible experience.
You will receive a strike through a box on the back of your Crucible t-shirt. If you receive three strikes on your t-shirt you will have failed your crucible experience and immediately excluded from continuing. Read full details on this process here
There are three ways to fail a crucible experience.

  • You quit. (Our coaches will do their utmost to prevent this from occurring)
  • You don’t achieve your individual target metrics on 3 occasions. Read more about this here.
  • You don’t adhere to and attain the required standards of behaviour on 3 occasions – This is at the discretion of the Head Coach exclusively.
It is our intention to guide you through the incredibly challenging experience by teaching you the mental tools to survive and thrive in the pressure of extreme physical challenge, however the reality is you may choose to quit at any time or fail to achieve the required standards on three occasions. If any of these scenarios occur during a Crucible, you will be immediately excluded from the remaining duration of the experience, returned to our base (if applicable) and facilitated in departing & reflecting on your experience. All incurred expenses post departure are the sole responsibility of the individual athlete.
No, the Crucible structure is designed using a unique looped training method which has built in periods of rest, reflection and refuelling. However, you will be active for 12 hours straight.
The word originates from ‘sisus’, which literally means ‘guts’ or ‘the intestines’ in Finnish. In 1745, Daniel Juslenius, a Finnish bishop, defined ‘sisucunda’ in his dictionary as the location in the human body where strong emotions come from. The concept of SISU has no direct translation but it is generally understood to encompass extreme perseverance and dignity in the face of adversity which is why we chose it as the name for our 12-hour Crucible.